Garage: | Fort Rouge Garage |
Pull-Out: | 5:54 via Busway, Harkness, River to |
Pull-In: | 18:10 via Stradbrook, Busway to |
Rt | Destination | Time | |
185 | 06:00-06:30 | ||
185 | 06:34-06:53 | ||
185 | 07:08-07:38 | ||
185 | 07:42-08:01 | ||
185 | 08:16-08:46 | ||
185 | 08:50-09:09 | ||
185 | 09:20-09:47 | ||
185 | 09:52-10:12 | ||
185 | 10:26-10:53 | ||
185 | 10:58-11:18 | ||
185 | 11:32-11:59 | ||
185 | 12:04-12:32 | ||
185 | 12:37-12:56 | ||
185 | 13:10-13:38 | ||
185 | 13:43-14:02 | ||
185 | 14:16-14:44 | ||
185 | 14:49-15:08 | ||
185 | 15:22-15:52 | ||
185 | 15:55-16:15 | ||
185 | 16:28-16:58 | ||
185 | 17:01-17:21 | ||
185 | 17:34-18:04 |
Stop | Time |
10189 Eastbound Stradbrook at Donald East | 12:37:00 |
11029 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Osborne Station | 12:38:16 |
11031 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Fort Rouge Station | 12:40:00 |
11033 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Jubilee | 12:41:00 |
60251 Southbound Pembina at Windermere | 12:42:40 |
60246 Southbound Pembina at McGillivray | 12:44:20 |
60239 Southbound Pembina at Clarence | 12:45:22 |
60155 Southbound Pembina at Chevrier | 12:46:34 |
60144 Southbound Pembina at Plaza | 12:48:49 |
60138 Southbound Pembina at University Crescent | 12:49:50 |
60107 Southbound University at Dysart | 12:52:44 |
60102 Southbound University at Dafoe | 12:53:31 |
60672 Southbound University at Freedman | 12:54:00 |
60091 Eastbound Freedman at King's Drive | 12:54:43 |
60716 Eastbound Freedman at Maclean | 12:55:14 |
60106 Westbound Dafoe at U of M (60, 160, 161, 185) | 12:56:00 |
Stop | Time |
10189 Eastbound Stradbrook at Donald East | 13:43:00 |
11029 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Osborne Station | 13:44:16 |
11031 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Fort Rouge Station | 13:46:00 |
11033 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Jubilee | 13:47:00 |
60251 Southbound Pembina at Windermere | 13:48:40 |
60246 Southbound Pembina at McGillivray | 13:50:20 |
60239 Southbound Pembina at Clarence | 13:51:22 |
60155 Southbound Pembina at Chevrier | 13:52:34 |
60144 Southbound Pembina at Plaza | 13:54:49 |
60138 Southbound Pembina at University Crescent | 13:55:50 |
60107 Southbound University at Dysart | 13:58:44 |
60102 Southbound University at Dafoe | 13:59:31 |
60672 Southbound University at Freedman | 14:00:00 |
60091 Eastbound Freedman at King's Drive | 14:00:43 |
60716 Eastbound Freedman at Maclean | 14:01:14 |
60106 Westbound Dafoe at U of M (60, 160, 161, 185) | 14:02:00 |
Stop | Time |
10189 Eastbound Stradbrook at Donald East | 14:49:00 |
11029 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Osborne Station | 14:50:16 |
11031 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Fort Rouge Station | 14:52:00 |
11033 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Jubilee | 14:53:00 |
60251 Southbound Pembina at Windermere | 14:54:40 |
60246 Southbound Pembina at McGillivray | 14:56:20 |
60239 Southbound Pembina at Clarence | 14:57:22 |
60155 Southbound Pembina at Chevrier | 14:58:34 |
60144 Southbound Pembina at Plaza | 15:00:49 |
60138 Southbound Pembina at University Crescent | 15:01:50 |
60107 Southbound University at Dysart | 15:04:44 |
60102 Southbound University at Dafoe | 15:05:31 |
60672 Southbound University at Freedman | 15:06:00 |
60091 Eastbound Freedman at King's Drive | 15:06:43 |
60716 Eastbound Freedman at Maclean | 15:07:14 |
60106 Westbound Dafoe at U of M (60, 160, 161, 185) | 15:08:00 |
Stop | Time |
10189 Eastbound Stradbrook at Donald East | 15:55:00 |
11029 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Osborne Station | 15:56:16 |
11031 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Fort Rouge Station | 15:58:00 |
11033 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Jubilee | 15:59:00 |
60251 Southbound Pembina at Windermere | 16:00:47 |
60246 Southbound Pembina at McGillivray | 16:02:34 |
60239 Southbound Pembina at Clarence | 16:03:40 |
60155 Southbound Pembina at Chevrier | 16:04:57 |
60144 Southbound Pembina at Plaza | 16:07:20 |
60138 Southbound Pembina at University Crescent | 16:08:25 |
60107 Southbound University at Dysart | 16:11:31 |
60102 Southbound University at Dafoe | 16:12:21 |
60672 Southbound University at Freedman | 16:12:52 |
60091 Eastbound Freedman at King's Drive | 16:13:38 |
60716 Eastbound Freedman at Maclean | 16:14:11 |
60106 Westbound Dafoe at U of M (60, 160, 161, 185) | 16:15:00 |
Stop | Time |
10189 Eastbound Stradbrook at Donald East | 17:01:00 |
11029 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Osborne Station | 17:02:16 |
11031 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Fort Rouge Station | 17:04:00 |
11033 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Jubilee | 17:05:00 |
60251 Southbound Pembina at Windermere | 17:06:47 |
60246 Southbound Pembina at McGillivray | 17:08:34 |
60239 Southbound Pembina at Clarence | 17:09:40 |
60155 Southbound Pembina at Chevrier | 17:10:57 |
60144 Southbound Pembina at Plaza | 17:13:20 |
60138 Southbound Pembina at University Crescent | 17:14:25 |
60107 Southbound University at Dysart | 17:17:31 |
60102 Southbound University at Dafoe | 17:18:21 |
60672 Southbound University at Freedman | 17:18:52 |
60091 Eastbound Freedman at King's Drive | 17:19:38 |
60716 Eastbound Freedman at Maclean | 17:20:11 |
60106 Westbound Dafoe at U of M (60, 160, 161, 185) | 17:21:00 |