Garage: | Fort Rouge Garage |
Pull-Out: | 6:44 via Osborne, St. Mary, Portage, Balmoral to |
Pull-In: | 19:16 via Balmoral, Ellice, Colony, Memorial, Osborne to |
Rt | Destination | Time | |
3 | 06:55-07:13 | ||
3 | 07:14-07:26 | ||
3 | 07:29-07:47 | ||
3 | 07:48-08:00 | ||
3 | 08:03-08:21 | ||
3 | 08:22-08:34 | ||
3 | 08:37-08:55 | ||
3 | 08:56-09:08 | ||
3 | 09:11-09:29 | ||
3 | 09:30-09:42 | ||
3 | 09:49-10:07 | ||
3 | 10:08-10:20 | ||
3 | 10:27-10:45 | ||
3 | 10:46-10:58 | ||
3 | 11:05-11:23 | ||
3 | 11:24-11:36 | ||
3 | 11:43-12:01 | ||
3 | 12:02-12:15 | ||
3 | 12:21-12:40 | ||
3 | 12:41-12:54 | ||
3 | 12:59-13:18 | ||
3 | 13:19-13:32 | ||
3 | 13:37-13:56 | ||
3 | 13:57-14:10 | ||
3 | 14:15-14:34 | ||
3 | 14:35-14:48 | ||
3 | 14:53-15:12 | ||
3 | 15:13-15:26 | ||
3 | 15:31-15:50 | ||
3 | 15:51-16:04 | ||
3 | 16:10-16:29 | ||
3 | 16:30-16:44 | ||
3 | 16:49-17:08 | ||
3 | 17:09-17:23 | ||
3 | 17:28-17:46 | ||
3 | 17:47-17:59 | ||
3 | 18:02-18:20 | ||
3 | 18:21-18:33 | ||
3 | 18:36-18:54 | ||
3 | 18:55-19:07 |
Stop | Time |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 06:55:00 |
10838 Northbound Balmoral at Ellice | 06:55:58 |
10132 Southbound Vaughan at Portage | 06:57:24 |
10134 Southbound Vaughan at Graham | 06:57:46 |
10618 Eastbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB) | 06:58:35 |
10615 Eastbound Graham at Donald (MTS Centre) | 06:59:46 |
10542 Westbound Portage at Donald (MTS Centre) | 07:01:18 |
10678 Northbound Hargrave at Portage North | 07:02:00 |
10679 Northbound Hargrave at Ellice | 07:02:43 |
10680 Northbound Hargrave at Cumberland | 07:03:27 |
11011 Northbound Hargrave at McDermot | 07:04:31 |
10721 Eastbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 07:05:58 |
10657 Northbound King at William (City Hall) | 07:06:36 |
10658 Northbound King at Rupert | 07:07:18 |
10308 Northbound King at Logan | 07:08:27 |
10647 Eastbound Higgins at Main | 07:09:38 |
10632 Southbound Main at Henry | 07:10:18 |
10633 Southbound Main at Alexander | 07:11:10 |
10634 Southbound Main at James | 07:12:00 |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 07:13:00 |
Stop | Time |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 07:14:00 |
10722 Westbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 07:14:34 |
11002 Westbound Elgin at Ellen | 07:15:58 |
11012 Southbound Ellen at William | 07:16:30 |
11013 Southbound Ellen at McDermot | 07:17:22 |
11014 Southbound Ellen at Notre Dame | 07:17:48 |
10681 Southbound Carlton at Cumberland | 07:18:29 |
10684 Southbound Carlton at Portage | 07:20:00 |
10543 Westbound Portage at Edmonton (Portage Place) | 07:20:56 |
10545 Westbound Portage at Colony | 07:23:27 |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 07:26:00 |
Stop | Time |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 07:29:00 |
10838 Northbound Balmoral at Ellice | 07:29:58 |
10132 Southbound Vaughan at Portage | 07:31:24 |
10134 Southbound Vaughan at Graham | 07:31:46 |
10618 Eastbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB) | 07:32:35 |
10615 Eastbound Graham at Donald (MTS Centre) | 07:33:46 |
10542 Westbound Portage at Donald (MTS Centre) | 07:35:18 |
10678 Northbound Hargrave at Portage North | 07:36:00 |
10679 Northbound Hargrave at Ellice | 07:36:43 |
10680 Northbound Hargrave at Cumberland | 07:37:27 |
11011 Northbound Hargrave at McDermot | 07:38:31 |
10721 Eastbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 07:39:58 |
10657 Northbound King at William (City Hall) | 07:40:36 |
10658 Northbound King at Rupert | 07:41:18 |
10308 Northbound King at Logan | 07:42:27 |
10647 Eastbound Higgins at Main | 07:43:38 |
10632 Southbound Main at Henry | 07:44:18 |
10633 Southbound Main at Alexander | 07:45:10 |
10634 Southbound Main at James | 07:46:00 |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 07:47:00 |
Stop | Time |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 07:48:00 |
10722 Westbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 07:48:34 |
11002 Westbound Elgin at Ellen | 07:49:58 |
11012 Southbound Ellen at William | 07:50:30 |
11013 Southbound Ellen at McDermot | 07:51:22 |
11014 Southbound Ellen at Notre Dame | 07:51:48 |
10681 Southbound Carlton at Cumberland | 07:52:29 |
10684 Southbound Carlton at Portage | 07:54:00 |
10543 Westbound Portage at Edmonton (Portage Place) | 07:54:56 |
10545 Westbound Portage at Colony | 07:57:27 |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 08:00:00 |
Stop | Time |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 08:03:00 |
10838 Northbound Balmoral at Ellice | 08:03:58 |
10132 Southbound Vaughan at Portage | 08:05:24 |
10134 Southbound Vaughan at Graham | 08:05:46 |
10618 Eastbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB) | 08:06:35 |
10615 Eastbound Graham at Donald (MTS Centre) | 08:07:46 |
10542 Westbound Portage at Donald (MTS Centre) | 08:09:18 |
10678 Northbound Hargrave at Portage North | 08:10:00 |
10679 Northbound Hargrave at Ellice | 08:10:43 |
10680 Northbound Hargrave at Cumberland | 08:11:27 |
11011 Northbound Hargrave at McDermot | 08:12:31 |
10721 Eastbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 08:13:58 |
10657 Northbound King at William (City Hall) | 08:14:36 |
10658 Northbound King at Rupert | 08:15:18 |
10308 Northbound King at Logan | 08:16:27 |
10647 Eastbound Higgins at Main | 08:17:38 |
10632 Southbound Main at Henry | 08:18:18 |
10633 Southbound Main at Alexander | 08:19:10 |
10634 Southbound Main at James | 08:20:00 |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 08:21:00 |
Stop | Time |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 08:22:00 |
10722 Westbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 08:22:34 |
11002 Westbound Elgin at Ellen | 08:23:58 |
11012 Southbound Ellen at William | 08:24:30 |
11013 Southbound Ellen at McDermot | 08:25:22 |
11014 Southbound Ellen at Notre Dame | 08:25:48 |
10681 Southbound Carlton at Cumberland | 08:26:29 |
10684 Southbound Carlton at Portage | 08:28:00 |
10543 Westbound Portage at Edmonton (Portage Place) | 08:28:56 |
10545 Westbound Portage at Colony | 08:31:27 |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 08:34:00 |
Stop | Time |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 08:37:00 |
10838 Northbound Balmoral at Ellice | 08:37:58 |
10132 Southbound Vaughan at Portage | 08:39:24 |
10134 Southbound Vaughan at Graham | 08:39:46 |
10618 Eastbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB) | 08:40:35 |
10615 Eastbound Graham at Donald (MTS Centre) | 08:41:46 |
10542 Westbound Portage at Donald (MTS Centre) | 08:43:18 |
10678 Northbound Hargrave at Portage North | 08:44:00 |
10679 Northbound Hargrave at Ellice | 08:44:43 |
10680 Northbound Hargrave at Cumberland | 08:45:27 |
11011 Northbound Hargrave at McDermot | 08:46:31 |
10721 Eastbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 08:47:58 |
10657 Northbound King at William (City Hall) | 08:48:36 |
10658 Northbound King at Rupert | 08:49:18 |
10308 Northbound King at Logan | 08:50:27 |
10647 Eastbound Higgins at Main | 08:51:38 |
10632 Southbound Main at Henry | 08:52:18 |
10633 Southbound Main at Alexander | 08:53:10 |
10634 Southbound Main at James | 08:54:00 |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 08:55:00 |
Stop | Time |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 08:56:00 |
10722 Westbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 08:56:34 |
11002 Westbound Elgin at Ellen | 08:57:58 |
11012 Southbound Ellen at William | 08:58:30 |
11013 Southbound Ellen at McDermot | 08:59:22 |
11014 Southbound Ellen at Notre Dame | 08:59:48 |
10681 Southbound Carlton at Cumberland | 09:00:29 |
10684 Southbound Carlton at Portage | 09:02:00 |
10543 Westbound Portage at Edmonton (Portage Place) | 09:02:56 |
10545 Westbound Portage at Colony | 09:05:27 |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 09:08:00 |
Stop | Time |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 09:11:00 |
10838 Northbound Balmoral at Ellice | 09:11:58 |
10132 Southbound Vaughan at Portage | 09:13:24 |
10134 Southbound Vaughan at Graham | 09:13:46 |
10618 Eastbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB) | 09:14:35 |
10615 Eastbound Graham at Donald (MTS Centre) | 09:15:46 |
10542 Westbound Portage at Donald (MTS Centre) | 09:17:18 |
10678 Northbound Hargrave at Portage North | 09:18:00 |
10679 Northbound Hargrave at Ellice | 09:18:43 |
10680 Northbound Hargrave at Cumberland | 09:19:27 |
11011 Northbound Hargrave at McDermot | 09:20:31 |
10721 Eastbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 09:21:58 |
10657 Northbound King at William (City Hall) | 09:22:36 |
10658 Northbound King at Rupert | 09:23:18 |
10308 Northbound King at Logan | 09:24:27 |
10647 Eastbound Higgins at Main | 09:25:38 |
10632 Southbound Main at Henry | 09:26:18 |
10633 Southbound Main at Alexander | 09:27:10 |
10634 Southbound Main at James | 09:28:00 |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 09:29:00 |
Stop | Time |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 09:30:00 |
10722 Westbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 09:30:34 |
11002 Westbound Elgin at Ellen | 09:31:58 |
11012 Southbound Ellen at William | 09:32:30 |
11013 Southbound Ellen at McDermot | 09:33:22 |
11014 Southbound Ellen at Notre Dame | 09:33:48 |
10681 Southbound Carlton at Cumberland | 09:34:29 |
10684 Southbound Carlton at Portage | 09:36:00 |
10543 Westbound Portage at Edmonton (Portage Place) | 09:36:56 |
10545 Westbound Portage at Colony | 09:39:27 |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 09:42:00 |
Stop | Time |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 09:49:00 |
10838 Northbound Balmoral at Ellice | 09:49:58 |
10132 Southbound Vaughan at Portage | 09:51:24 |
10134 Southbound Vaughan at Graham | 09:51:46 |
10618 Eastbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB) | 09:52:35 |
10615 Eastbound Graham at Donald (MTS Centre) | 09:53:46 |
10542 Westbound Portage at Donald (MTS Centre) | 09:55:18 |
10678 Northbound Hargrave at Portage North | 09:56:00 |
10679 Northbound Hargrave at Ellice | 09:56:43 |
10680 Northbound Hargrave at Cumberland | 09:57:27 |
11011 Northbound Hargrave at McDermot | 09:58:31 |
10721 Eastbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 09:59:58 |
10657 Northbound King at William (City Hall) | 10:00:36 |
10658 Northbound King at Rupert | 10:01:18 |
10308 Northbound King at Logan | 10:02:27 |
10647 Eastbound Higgins at Main | 10:03:38 |
10632 Southbound Main at Henry | 10:04:18 |
10633 Southbound Main at Alexander | 10:05:10 |
10634 Southbound Main at James | 10:06:00 |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 10:07:00 |
Stop | Time |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 10:08:00 |
10722 Westbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 10:08:34 |
11002 Westbound Elgin at Ellen | 10:09:58 |
11012 Southbound Ellen at William | 10:10:30 |
11013 Southbound Ellen at McDermot | 10:11:22 |
11014 Southbound Ellen at Notre Dame | 10:11:48 |
10681 Southbound Carlton at Cumberland | 10:12:29 |
10684 Southbound Carlton at Portage | 10:14:00 |
10543 Westbound Portage at Edmonton (Portage Place) | 10:14:56 |
10545 Westbound Portage at Colony | 10:17:27 |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 10:20:00 |
Stop | Time |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 10:27:00 |
10838 Northbound Balmoral at Ellice | 10:27:58 |
10132 Southbound Vaughan at Portage | 10:29:24 |
10134 Southbound Vaughan at Graham | 10:29:46 |
10618 Eastbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB) | 10:30:35 |
10615 Eastbound Graham at Donald (MTS Centre) | 10:31:46 |
10542 Westbound Portage at Donald (MTS Centre) | 10:33:18 |
10678 Northbound Hargrave at Portage North | 10:34:00 |
10679 Northbound Hargrave at Ellice | 10:34:43 |
10680 Northbound Hargrave at Cumberland | 10:35:27 |
11011 Northbound Hargrave at McDermot | 10:36:31 |
10721 Eastbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 10:37:58 |
10657 Northbound King at William (City Hall) | 10:38:36 |
10658 Northbound King at Rupert | 10:39:18 |
10308 Northbound King at Logan | 10:40:27 |
10647 Eastbound Higgins at Main | 10:41:38 |
10632 Southbound Main at Henry | 10:42:18 |
10633 Southbound Main at Alexander | 10:43:10 |
10634 Southbound Main at James | 10:44:00 |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 10:45:00 |
Stop | Time |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 10:46:00 |
10722 Westbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 10:46:34 |
11002 Westbound Elgin at Ellen | 10:47:58 |
11012 Southbound Ellen at William | 10:48:30 |
11013 Southbound Ellen at McDermot | 10:49:22 |
11014 Southbound Ellen at Notre Dame | 10:49:48 |
10681 Southbound Carlton at Cumberland | 10:50:29 |
10684 Southbound Carlton at Portage | 10:52:00 |
10543 Westbound Portage at Edmonton (Portage Place) | 10:52:56 |
10545 Westbound Portage at Colony | 10:55:27 |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 10:58:00 |
Stop | Time |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 11:05:00 |
10838 Northbound Balmoral at Ellice | 11:05:58 |
10132 Southbound Vaughan at Portage | 11:07:24 |
10134 Southbound Vaughan at Graham | 11:07:46 |
10618 Eastbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB) | 11:08:35 |
10615 Eastbound Graham at Donald (MTS Centre) | 11:09:46 |
10542 Westbound Portage at Donald (MTS Centre) | 11:11:18 |
10678 Northbound Hargrave at Portage North | 11:12:00 |
10679 Northbound Hargrave at Ellice | 11:12:43 |
10680 Northbound Hargrave at Cumberland | 11:13:27 |
11011 Northbound Hargrave at McDermot | 11:14:31 |
10721 Eastbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 11:15:58 |
10657 Northbound King at William (City Hall) | 11:16:36 |
10658 Northbound King at Rupert | 11:17:18 |
10308 Northbound King at Logan | 11:18:27 |
10647 Eastbound Higgins at Main | 11:19:38 |
10632 Southbound Main at Henry | 11:20:18 |
10633 Southbound Main at Alexander | 11:21:10 |
10634 Southbound Main at James | 11:22:00 |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 11:23:00 |
Stop | Time |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 11:24:00 |
10722 Westbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 11:24:34 |
11002 Westbound Elgin at Ellen | 11:25:58 |
11012 Southbound Ellen at William | 11:26:30 |
11013 Southbound Ellen at McDermot | 11:27:22 |
11014 Southbound Ellen at Notre Dame | 11:27:48 |
10681 Southbound Carlton at Cumberland | 11:28:29 |
10684 Southbound Carlton at Portage | 11:30:00 |
10543 Westbound Portage at Edmonton (Portage Place) | 11:30:56 |
10545 Westbound Portage at Colony | 11:33:27 |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 11:36:00 |
Stop | Time |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 11:43:00 |
10838 Northbound Balmoral at Ellice | 11:43:58 |
10132 Southbound Vaughan at Portage | 11:45:24 |
10134 Southbound Vaughan at Graham | 11:45:46 |
10618 Eastbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB) | 11:46:35 |
10615 Eastbound Graham at Donald (MTS Centre) | 11:47:46 |
10542 Westbound Portage at Donald (MTS Centre) | 11:49:18 |
10678 Northbound Hargrave at Portage North | 11:50:00 |
10679 Northbound Hargrave at Ellice | 11:50:43 |
10680 Northbound Hargrave at Cumberland | 11:51:27 |
11011 Northbound Hargrave at McDermot | 11:52:31 |
10721 Eastbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 11:53:58 |
10657 Northbound King at William (City Hall) | 11:54:36 |
10658 Northbound King at Rupert | 11:55:18 |
10308 Northbound King at Logan | 11:56:27 |
10647 Eastbound Higgins at Main | 11:57:38 |
10632 Southbound Main at Henry | 11:58:18 |
10633 Southbound Main at Alexander | 11:59:10 |
10634 Southbound Main at James | 12:00:00 |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 12:01:00 |
Stop | Time |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 12:02:00 |
10722 Westbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 12:02:40 |
11002 Westbound Elgin at Ellen | 12:04:17 |
11012 Southbound Ellen at William | 12:04:55 |
11013 Southbound Ellen at McDermot | 12:05:55 |
11014 Southbound Ellen at Notre Dame | 12:06:27 |
10681 Southbound Carlton at Cumberland | 12:07:14 |
10684 Southbound Carlton at Portage | 12:09:00 |
10543 Westbound Portage at Edmonton (Portage Place) | 12:09:56 |
10545 Westbound Portage at Colony | 12:12:27 |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 12:15:00 |
Stop | Time |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 12:21:00 |
10838 Northbound Balmoral at Ellice | 12:22:06 |
10132 Southbound Vaughan at Portage | 12:23:45 |
10134 Southbound Vaughan at Graham | 12:24:10 |
10618 Eastbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB) | 12:25:05 |
10615 Eastbound Graham at Donald (MTS Centre) | 12:26:26 |
10542 Westbound Portage at Donald (MTS Centre) | 12:28:12 |
10678 Northbound Hargrave at Portage North | 12:29:00 |
10679 Northbound Hargrave at Ellice | 12:29:43 |
10680 Northbound Hargrave at Cumberland | 12:30:27 |
11011 Northbound Hargrave at McDermot | 12:31:31 |
10721 Eastbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 12:32:58 |
10657 Northbound King at William (City Hall) | 12:33:36 |
10658 Northbound King at Rupert | 12:34:18 |
10308 Northbound King at Logan | 12:35:27 |
10647 Eastbound Higgins at Main | 12:36:38 |
10632 Southbound Main at Henry | 12:37:18 |
10633 Southbound Main at Alexander | 12:38:10 |
10634 Southbound Main at James | 12:39:00 |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 12:40:00 |
Stop | Time |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 12:41:00 |
10722 Westbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 12:41:40 |
11002 Westbound Elgin at Ellen | 12:43:17 |
11012 Southbound Ellen at William | 12:43:55 |
11013 Southbound Ellen at McDermot | 12:44:55 |
11014 Southbound Ellen at Notre Dame | 12:45:27 |
10681 Southbound Carlton at Cumberland | 12:46:14 |
10684 Southbound Carlton at Portage | 12:48:00 |
10543 Westbound Portage at Edmonton (Portage Place) | 12:48:56 |
10545 Westbound Portage at Colony | 12:51:27 |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 12:54:00 |
Stop | Time |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 12:59:00 |
10838 Northbound Balmoral at Ellice | 13:00:06 |
10132 Southbound Vaughan at Portage | 13:01:45 |
10134 Southbound Vaughan at Graham | 13:02:10 |
10618 Eastbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB) | 13:03:05 |
10615 Eastbound Graham at Donald (MTS Centre) | 13:04:26 |
10542 Westbound Portage at Donald (MTS Centre) | 13:06:12 |
10678 Northbound Hargrave at Portage North | 13:07:00 |
10679 Northbound Hargrave at Ellice | 13:07:43 |
10680 Northbound Hargrave at Cumberland | 13:08:27 |
11011 Northbound Hargrave at McDermot | 13:09:31 |
10721 Eastbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 13:10:58 |
10657 Northbound King at William (City Hall) | 13:11:36 |
10658 Northbound King at Rupert | 13:12:18 |
10308 Northbound King at Logan | 13:13:27 |
10647 Eastbound Higgins at Main | 13:14:38 |
10632 Southbound Main at Henry | 13:15:18 |
10633 Southbound Main at Alexander | 13:16:10 |
10634 Southbound Main at James | 13:17:00 |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 13:18:00 |
Stop | Time |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 13:19:00 |
10722 Westbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 13:19:40 |
11002 Westbound Elgin at Ellen | 13:21:17 |
11012 Southbound Ellen at William | 13:21:55 |
11013 Southbound Ellen at McDermot | 13:22:55 |
11014 Southbound Ellen at Notre Dame | 13:23:27 |
10681 Southbound Carlton at Cumberland | 13:24:14 |
10684 Southbound Carlton at Portage | 13:26:00 |
10543 Westbound Portage at Edmonton (Portage Place) | 13:26:56 |
10545 Westbound Portage at Colony | 13:29:27 |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 13:32:00 |
Stop | Time |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 13:37:00 |
10838 Northbound Balmoral at Ellice | 13:38:06 |
10132 Southbound Vaughan at Portage | 13:39:45 |
10134 Southbound Vaughan at Graham | 13:40:10 |
10618 Eastbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB) | 13:41:05 |
10615 Eastbound Graham at Donald (MTS Centre) | 13:42:26 |
10542 Westbound Portage at Donald (MTS Centre) | 13:44:12 |
10678 Northbound Hargrave at Portage North | 13:45:00 |
10679 Northbound Hargrave at Ellice | 13:45:43 |
10680 Northbound Hargrave at Cumberland | 13:46:27 |
11011 Northbound Hargrave at McDermot | 13:47:31 |
10721 Eastbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 13:48:58 |
10657 Northbound King at William (City Hall) | 13:49:36 |
10658 Northbound King at Rupert | 13:50:18 |
10308 Northbound King at Logan | 13:51:27 |
10647 Eastbound Higgins at Main | 13:52:38 |
10632 Southbound Main at Henry | 13:53:18 |
10633 Southbound Main at Alexander | 13:54:10 |
10634 Southbound Main at James | 13:55:00 |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 13:56:00 |
Stop | Time |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 13:57:00 |
10722 Westbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 13:57:40 |
11002 Westbound Elgin at Ellen | 13:59:17 |
11012 Southbound Ellen at William | 13:59:55 |
11013 Southbound Ellen at McDermot | 14:00:55 |
11014 Southbound Ellen at Notre Dame | 14:01:27 |
10681 Southbound Carlton at Cumberland | 14:02:14 |
10684 Southbound Carlton at Portage | 14:04:00 |
10543 Westbound Portage at Edmonton (Portage Place) | 14:04:56 |
10545 Westbound Portage at Colony | 14:07:27 |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 14:10:00 |
Stop | Time |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 14:15:00 |
10838 Northbound Balmoral at Ellice | 14:16:06 |
10132 Southbound Vaughan at Portage | 14:17:45 |
10134 Southbound Vaughan at Graham | 14:18:10 |
10618 Eastbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB) | 14:19:05 |
10615 Eastbound Graham at Donald (MTS Centre) | 14:20:26 |
10542 Westbound Portage at Donald (MTS Centre) | 14:22:12 |
10678 Northbound Hargrave at Portage North | 14:23:00 |
10679 Northbound Hargrave at Ellice | 14:23:43 |
10680 Northbound Hargrave at Cumberland | 14:24:27 |
11011 Northbound Hargrave at McDermot | 14:25:31 |
10721 Eastbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 14:26:58 |
10657 Northbound King at William (City Hall) | 14:27:36 |
10658 Northbound King at Rupert | 14:28:18 |
10308 Northbound King at Logan | 14:29:27 |
10647 Eastbound Higgins at Main | 14:30:38 |
10632 Southbound Main at Henry | 14:31:18 |
10633 Southbound Main at Alexander | 14:32:10 |
10634 Southbound Main at James | 14:33:00 |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 14:34:00 |
Stop | Time |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 14:35:00 |
10722 Westbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 14:35:40 |
11002 Westbound Elgin at Ellen | 14:37:17 |
11012 Southbound Ellen at William | 14:37:55 |
11013 Southbound Ellen at McDermot | 14:38:55 |
11014 Southbound Ellen at Notre Dame | 14:39:27 |
10681 Southbound Carlton at Cumberland | 14:40:14 |
10684 Southbound Carlton at Portage | 14:42:00 |
10543 Westbound Portage at Edmonton (Portage Place) | 14:42:56 |
10545 Westbound Portage at Colony | 14:45:27 |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 14:48:00 |
Stop | Time |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 14:53:00 |
10838 Northbound Balmoral at Ellice | 14:54:06 |
10132 Southbound Vaughan at Portage | 14:55:45 |
10134 Southbound Vaughan at Graham | 14:56:10 |
10618 Eastbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB) | 14:57:05 |
10615 Eastbound Graham at Donald (MTS Centre) | 14:58:26 |
10542 Westbound Portage at Donald (MTS Centre) | 15:00:12 |
10678 Northbound Hargrave at Portage North | 15:01:00 |
10679 Northbound Hargrave at Ellice | 15:01:43 |
10680 Northbound Hargrave at Cumberland | 15:02:27 |
11011 Northbound Hargrave at McDermot | 15:03:31 |
10721 Eastbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 15:04:58 |
10657 Northbound King at William (City Hall) | 15:05:36 |
10658 Northbound King at Rupert | 15:06:18 |
10308 Northbound King at Logan | 15:07:27 |
10647 Eastbound Higgins at Main | 15:08:38 |
10632 Southbound Main at Henry | 15:09:18 |
10633 Southbound Main at Alexander | 15:10:10 |
10634 Southbound Main at James | 15:11:00 |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 15:12:00 |
Stop | Time |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 15:13:00 |
10722 Westbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 15:13:40 |
11002 Westbound Elgin at Ellen | 15:15:17 |
11012 Southbound Ellen at William | 15:15:55 |
11013 Southbound Ellen at McDermot | 15:16:55 |
11014 Southbound Ellen at Notre Dame | 15:17:27 |
10681 Southbound Carlton at Cumberland | 15:18:14 |
10684 Southbound Carlton at Portage | 15:20:00 |
10543 Westbound Portage at Edmonton (Portage Place) | 15:20:56 |
10545 Westbound Portage at Colony | 15:23:27 |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 15:26:00 |
Stop | Time |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 15:31:00 |
10838 Northbound Balmoral at Ellice | 15:32:06 |
10132 Southbound Vaughan at Portage | 15:33:45 |
10134 Southbound Vaughan at Graham | 15:34:10 |
10618 Eastbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB) | 15:35:05 |
10615 Eastbound Graham at Donald (MTS Centre) | 15:36:26 |
10542 Westbound Portage at Donald (MTS Centre) | 15:38:12 |
10678 Northbound Hargrave at Portage North | 15:39:00 |
10679 Northbound Hargrave at Ellice | 15:39:43 |
10680 Northbound Hargrave at Cumberland | 15:40:27 |
11011 Northbound Hargrave at McDermot | 15:41:31 |
10721 Eastbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 15:42:58 |
10657 Northbound King at William (City Hall) | 15:43:36 |
10658 Northbound King at Rupert | 15:44:18 |
10308 Northbound King at Logan | 15:45:27 |
10647 Eastbound Higgins at Main | 15:46:38 |
10632 Southbound Main at Henry | 15:47:18 |
10633 Southbound Main at Alexander | 15:48:10 |
10634 Southbound Main at James | 15:49:00 |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 15:50:00 |
Stop | Time |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 15:51:00 |
10722 Westbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 15:51:40 |
11002 Westbound Elgin at Ellen | 15:53:17 |
11012 Southbound Ellen at William | 15:53:55 |
11013 Southbound Ellen at McDermot | 15:54:55 |
11014 Southbound Ellen at Notre Dame | 15:55:27 |
10681 Southbound Carlton at Cumberland | 15:56:14 |
10684 Southbound Carlton at Portage | 15:58:00 |
10543 Westbound Portage at Edmonton (Portage Place) | 15:58:56 |
10545 Westbound Portage at Colony | 16:01:27 |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 16:04:00 |
Stop | Time |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 16:10:00 |
10838 Northbound Balmoral at Ellice | 16:10:58 |
10132 Southbound Vaughan at Portage | 16:12:24 |
10134 Southbound Vaughan at Graham | 16:12:46 |
10618 Eastbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB) | 16:13:35 |
10615 Eastbound Graham at Donald (MTS Centre) | 16:14:46 |
10542 Westbound Portage at Donald (MTS Centre) | 16:16:18 |
10678 Northbound Hargrave at Portage North | 16:17:00 |
10679 Northbound Hargrave at Ellice | 16:17:47 |
10680 Northbound Hargrave at Cumberland | 16:18:35 |
11011 Northbound Hargrave at McDermot | 16:19:45 |
10721 Eastbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 16:21:20 |
10657 Northbound King at William (City Hall) | 16:22:01 |
10658 Northbound King at Rupert | 16:22:47 |
10308 Northbound King at Logan | 16:24:02 |
10647 Eastbound Higgins at Main | 16:25:20 |
10632 Southbound Main at Henry | 16:26:04 |
10633 Southbound Main at Alexander | 16:27:00 |
10634 Southbound Main at James | 16:27:55 |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 16:29:00 |
Stop | Time |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 16:30:00 |
10722 Westbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 16:30:40 |
11002 Westbound Elgin at Ellen | 16:32:17 |
11012 Southbound Ellen at William | 16:32:55 |
11013 Southbound Ellen at McDermot | 16:33:55 |
11014 Southbound Ellen at Notre Dame | 16:34:27 |
10681 Southbound Carlton at Cumberland | 16:35:14 |
10684 Southbound Carlton at Portage | 16:37:00 |
10543 Westbound Portage at Edmonton (Portage Place) | 16:38:06 |
10545 Westbound Portage at Colony | 16:41:02 |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 16:44:00 |
Stop | Time |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 16:49:00 |
10838 Northbound Balmoral at Ellice | 16:49:58 |
10132 Southbound Vaughan at Portage | 16:51:24 |
10134 Southbound Vaughan at Graham | 16:51:46 |
10618 Eastbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB) | 16:52:35 |
10615 Eastbound Graham at Donald (MTS Centre) | 16:53:46 |
10542 Westbound Portage at Donald (MTS Centre) | 16:55:18 |
10678 Northbound Hargrave at Portage North | 16:56:00 |
10679 Northbound Hargrave at Ellice | 16:56:47 |
10680 Northbound Hargrave at Cumberland | 16:57:35 |
11011 Northbound Hargrave at McDermot | 16:58:45 |
10721 Eastbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 17:00:20 |
10657 Northbound King at William (City Hall) | 17:01:01 |
10658 Northbound King at Rupert | 17:01:47 |
10308 Northbound King at Logan | 17:03:02 |
10647 Eastbound Higgins at Main | 17:04:20 |
10632 Southbound Main at Henry | 17:05:04 |
10633 Southbound Main at Alexander | 17:06:00 |
10634 Southbound Main at James | 17:06:55 |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 17:08:00 |
Stop | Time |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 17:09:00 |
10722 Westbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 17:09:40 |
11002 Westbound Elgin at Ellen | 17:11:17 |
11012 Southbound Ellen at William | 17:11:55 |
11013 Southbound Ellen at McDermot | 17:12:55 |
11014 Southbound Ellen at Notre Dame | 17:13:27 |
10681 Southbound Carlton at Cumberland | 17:14:14 |
10684 Southbound Carlton at Portage | 17:16:00 |
10543 Westbound Portage at Edmonton (Portage Place) | 17:17:06 |
10545 Westbound Portage at Colony | 17:20:02 |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 17:23:00 |
Stop | Time |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 17:28:00 |
10838 Northbound Balmoral at Ellice | 17:28:58 |
10132 Southbound Vaughan at Portage | 17:30:24 |
10134 Southbound Vaughan at Graham | 17:30:46 |
10618 Eastbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB) | 17:31:35 |
10615 Eastbound Graham at Donald (MTS Centre) | 17:32:46 |
10542 Westbound Portage at Donald (MTS Centre) | 17:34:18 |
10678 Northbound Hargrave at Portage North | 17:35:00 |
10679 Northbound Hargrave at Ellice | 17:35:43 |
10680 Northbound Hargrave at Cumberland | 17:36:27 |
11011 Northbound Hargrave at McDermot | 17:37:31 |
10721 Eastbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 17:38:58 |
10657 Northbound King at William (City Hall) | 17:39:36 |
10658 Northbound King at Rupert | 17:40:18 |
10308 Northbound King at Logan | 17:41:27 |
10647 Eastbound Higgins at Main | 17:42:38 |
10632 Southbound Main at Henry | 17:43:18 |
10633 Southbound Main at Alexander | 17:44:10 |
10634 Southbound Main at James | 17:45:00 |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 17:46:00 |
Stop | Time |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 17:47:00 |
10722 Westbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 17:47:34 |
11002 Westbound Elgin at Ellen | 17:48:58 |
11012 Southbound Ellen at William | 17:49:30 |
11013 Southbound Ellen at McDermot | 17:50:22 |
11014 Southbound Ellen at Notre Dame | 17:50:48 |
10681 Southbound Carlton at Cumberland | 17:51:29 |
10684 Southbound Carlton at Portage | 17:53:00 |
10543 Westbound Portage at Edmonton (Portage Place) | 17:53:56 |
10545 Westbound Portage at Colony | 17:56:27 |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 17:59:00 |
Stop | Time |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 18:02:00 |
10838 Northbound Balmoral at Ellice | 18:02:58 |
10132 Southbound Vaughan at Portage | 18:04:24 |
10134 Southbound Vaughan at Graham | 18:04:46 |
10618 Eastbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB) | 18:05:35 |
10615 Eastbound Graham at Donald (MTS Centre) | 18:06:46 |
10542 Westbound Portage at Donald (MTS Centre) | 18:08:18 |
10678 Northbound Hargrave at Portage North | 18:09:00 |
10679 Northbound Hargrave at Ellice | 18:09:43 |
10680 Northbound Hargrave at Cumberland | 18:10:27 |
11011 Northbound Hargrave at McDermot | 18:11:31 |
10721 Eastbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 18:12:58 |
10657 Northbound King at William (City Hall) | 18:13:36 |
10658 Northbound King at Rupert | 18:14:18 |
10308 Northbound King at Logan | 18:15:27 |
10647 Eastbound Higgins at Main | 18:16:38 |
10632 Southbound Main at Henry | 18:17:18 |
10633 Southbound Main at Alexander | 18:18:10 |
10634 Southbound Main at James | 18:19:00 |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 18:20:00 |
Stop | Time |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 18:21:00 |
10722 Westbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 18:21:34 |
11002 Westbound Elgin at Ellen | 18:22:58 |
11012 Southbound Ellen at William | 18:23:30 |
11013 Southbound Ellen at McDermot | 18:24:22 |
11014 Southbound Ellen at Notre Dame | 18:24:48 |
10681 Southbound Carlton at Cumberland | 18:25:29 |
10684 Southbound Carlton at Portage | 18:27:00 |
10543 Westbound Portage at Edmonton (Portage Place) | 18:27:56 |
10545 Westbound Portage at Colony | 18:30:27 |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 18:33:00 |
Stop | Time |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 18:36:00 |
10838 Northbound Balmoral at Ellice | 18:36:58 |
10132 Southbound Vaughan at Portage | 18:38:24 |
10134 Southbound Vaughan at Graham | 18:38:46 |
10618 Eastbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB) | 18:39:35 |
10615 Eastbound Graham at Donald (MTS Centre) | 18:40:46 |
10542 Westbound Portage at Donald (MTS Centre) | 18:42:18 |
10678 Northbound Hargrave at Portage North | 18:43:00 |
10679 Northbound Hargrave at Ellice | 18:43:43 |
10680 Northbound Hargrave at Cumberland | 18:44:27 |
11011 Northbound Hargrave at McDermot | 18:45:31 |
10721 Eastbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 18:46:58 |
10657 Northbound King at William (City Hall) | 18:47:36 |
10658 Northbound King at Rupert | 18:48:18 |
10308 Northbound King at Logan | 18:49:27 |
10647 Eastbound Higgins at Main | 18:50:38 |
10632 Southbound Main at Henry | 18:51:18 |
10633 Southbound Main at Alexander | 18:52:10 |
10634 Southbound Main at James | 18:53:00 |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 18:54:00 |
Stop | Time |
10720 Westbound William at King (City Hall) | 18:55:00 |
10722 Westbound William at Princess (Red River College) | 18:55:34 |
11002 Westbound Elgin at Ellen | 18:56:58 |
11012 Southbound Ellen at William | 18:57:30 |
11013 Southbound Ellen at McDermot | 18:58:22 |
11014 Southbound Ellen at Notre Dame | 18:58:48 |
10681 Southbound Carlton at Cumberland | 18:59:29 |
10684 Southbound Carlton at Portage | 19:01:00 |
10543 Westbound Portage at Edmonton (Portage Place) | 19:01:56 |
10545 Westbound Portage at Colony | 19:04:27 |
10843 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (3) | 19:07:00 |