Winnipeg Transit Routes (Winter 2019)
59 South St. Anne's Express: Timetable (Weekday to Aldgate/Island Lakes)


of Winnipeg

& Fort

St. Mary's
& Marion

St. Anne's
& Niakwa

St. Anne's
& Beliveau


St. Anne's &
Southglen NB



BG 15:01 59-11 Island Lakes 15:14 15:23 15:31 15:39 15:44 15:59 0:45
45 59-8 Aldgate 15:24 15:33 15:41 15:49 15:54 16:10 40 0:46
FRG 15:20 162-36 Island Lakes 15:33 15:42 15:50 15:58 16:03 16:18 162 0:45
BG 15:29 54-15 Aldgate 15:42 15:51 15:59 16:07 16:12 16:28 54 0:46
BG 15:38 59-15 Island Lakes 15:51 16:00 16:08 16:17 16:22 16:37 0:46
161 59-9 Aldgate 15:58 16:07 16:15 16:24 16:29 16:45 BG 17:02 0:47
S413 59-10 Island Lakes 16:06 16:15 16:23 16:32 16:37 16:52 FRG 17:14 0:46
BG 15:58 36-20 Aldgate 16:11 16:20 16:28 16:37 16:42 16:58 36 0:47
160 160-11 Island Lakes 16:18 16:27 16:35 16:44 16:49 17:04 35 0:46
161 59-12 Aldgate 16:28 16:37 16:45 16:54 16:59 17:15 BG 17:32 0:47
59-11 Island Lakes 16:37 16:46 16:54 17:03 17:08 17:23 BG 17:45 0:46
161 59-14 Aldgate 16:44 16:53 17:01 17:10 17:15 17:31 BG 17:48 0:47
161 59-16 Island Lakes 16:53 17:02 17:10 17:19 17:24 17:39 BG 18:01 0:46
54 54-16 Aldgate 17:02 17:11 17:19 17:28 17:33 17:46 BG 18:03 0:44
59-15 Island Lakes 17:13 17:22 17:30 17:39 17:44 17:57 BG 18:19 0:44
161 54-12 Aldgate 17:22 17:31 17:36 17:45 17:50 18:04 BG 18:21 0:42
161 59-13 Island Lakes 17:30 17:39 17:44 17:53 17:58 18:11 BG 18:33 0:41
54 36-14 Aldgate 17:39 17:48 17:53 18:02 18:07 18:21 BG 18:38 0:42
161 161-3 Island Lakes 17:50 17:59 18:04 18:13 18:18 18:31 BG 18:47 0:41
161 54-17 Aldgate 17:58 18:07 18:12 18:21 18:26 18:40 BG 18:52 0:42
36 36-15 Island Lakes 18:07 18:16 18:21 18:30 18:35 18:48 BG 19:04 0:41
161 72-11 Aldgate 18:18 18:27 18:32 18:41 18:46 19:00 FRG 19:12 0:42